[双语] 伊武装组织绑架两保加利亚人质

(2004-07-09 10:14:55)

A group loyal to insurgency leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi threatened Friday to execute two Bulgarian hostages if the U.S. military did not release all Iraqi detainees within 24 hours, according to a videotape broadcast on the Al-Jazeera television station.



    荆楚网综合消息 据外电报道,根据阿拉伯半岛电视台播放的一盘录像带显示,伊拉克一武装组织绑架了两名保加利亚人质,威胁说如果美国军队不在24小时内释放所有伊拉克囚犯,就将杀死人质。该武装组织属于基地老三扎卡维领导。


The Tawhid and Jihad group sent Al-Jazeera a video showing the two unidentified Bulgarians sitting with their hands cuffed, flanked by three masked men, two carrying rifles and one carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher. On the wall behind them was their group’s black flag with a golden circle.




One of the men read a statement, though his voice could not be heard. Al-Jazeera’s newsreader said the group demanded the release of all Iraqi prisoners within 24 hours.




The group had previously claimed responsibility for the beheading of U.S. businessman Nicholas Berg and South Korean translator Kim Sun-il. It was also believed to be behind a series of attacks on police and security forces in Iraq that killed 100 people in the days leading up to the coalition forces’ handover of power to an Iraqi interim government last month.




An editor at Al-Jazeera’s newsroom in Doha said the channel received the tape Thursday



                                                                  (编译:荆楚网 罗杰)



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