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· 《清史稿·张之洞列传》
Hubei Arsenal, one of the most advanced

(2005-08-24 18:00:04)

the gate of Hubei Arsenal or Hanyang Arsenal


(cnhubei.com) The establishment of modern military enterprises had always been the investment focus of Foreign Affairs (Westernization) Movement whose leaders fully understood the importance of new style military equipment.


When Zhang Zhidong was in Guangdong, he built an arsenal in July 1889 which was moved to Hubei.


Hubei Arsenal started construction in 1892 and was completed two years later. Since it was also located in Hanyang district of Wuhan, it was also called Hanyan Arsenal.



Guns manufactured by Hanyang Arsenal

Hubei Arsenal is China's first well -equipped arsenal and firearms and guns it manufactured were the most advanced in the country, rendering Wuhan's transition from trading to manufacturing.


So-called "Made in Hanyang" was once the symbol of Hubei’s manufacturing capability and quality.


Wu Luzhen, student of Zhang Zhidong, appraised the arsenal as the foundation of China ordnance factory.

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