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· 《清史稿·张之洞列传》
Zhang Zhidong's strange hobbies

(2005-10-19 17:58:53)

Zhang Zhidong had some strange hobbies. He did not lead a regular life as he went to bed at 2pm and got up for work at 10pm. His colleagues had to discuss with him at mid-night or even at dawn. Some of the officials claimed him of dereliction of duty for his ignorance of time.


Zhang Zhidong liked to eat fresh fruit, cookies and reserved foods. Tens of dishes of fresh fruit, cookies and reserved foods were always on his desk. Meanwhile Zhang enjoyed feeding cats which often left droppings on his book. Zhang usually cleaned it up by himself without regarding it dirty. He once told his servants, “cats were too innocent to receive blame, so it was unforgivable if men ever did it”.

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