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'Red tourism' to flourish in NW China city

发布时间: 2012-07-02 17:26   来源: 荆楚网   进入电子报

    Tourists pass by a statue at the entrance of the Site of the Shihezi First Company of Army-Reclamation Troop, where the original 1950s appearance of the site is still intact, June 23. [Photo/]

    Shihezi, an industrial city built in the Gobi Desert, is now extending its ambition to become a major tourist destination with its unique attractions.

    "We are proud to present a clean, beautiful and civilized city to visitors. Its history and culture make it stand out as a unique red tourism destination," said Wang Xike, member of the Standing Committee of Shihezi Municipal Committee of the CPC at a news briefing on June 23.

    Located almost in the middle of nowhere, Shihezi is located in the central northern part of Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, about 150 kilometers northwest of the capital city Urumqi.

    Some 50 years ago, there was little here but a vast stretch of desert. In 1950, the People's Liberation Army stationed the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp in the city to consolidate border defense and develop the local economy.

    Now known as "a shining pearl in the Gobi Desert", the city never fails to surprise guests with its expanse of green in China's dry northwest. It is the only city awarded the Dubai International Award for Best Practices in Improving the Living Environment in Northwest China.

    The Shihezi Army Reclamation Museum, Beihu Lake Park, the Monument to Premier Zhou Enlai, and Desert Park are the major tourist attractions in the city.

    However, Wang admits that to attract more foreign visitors, the city needs to do more to promote the army reclamation culture, which is a relatively new concept to foreigners.

(本文来源:荆楚网 编辑:daisy)





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